Research & Evaluation
Carly Muir
Geospatial Analyst
Carly Muir was a Geospatial Analyst at AidData from 2023-2024.

Dr. Carly Muir is a Geospatial Analyst in the Research and Evaluation Unit of AidData. She utilizes spatial analyses to examine human-environment interactions, primarily related to agricultural production, sustainability, and climate change. Within AidData, her role is to conduct interdisciplinary research by integrating geospatial techniques into various projects covering a range of topics and geographies. This includes employment of time series satellite imagery and remote sensing-based models to help understand socio-ecological and environmental issues.
Ph.D. Geography, University of Florida
M.S. Geography, University of Florida
B.A. in Geography (specialization Environmental Geoscience), University of Florida
Prior to joining AidData, Carly completed her Ph.D. at the University of Florida. Her formal training as a geographer concentrated in Climatology, but she acquired an interdisciplinary education through specializations in Environmental Geoscience and Agricultural Studies. Her research has taken her to several African nations to conduct field work, including for her dissertation, in which she examined the socio-ecological effects of large-scale land acquisitions in Ethiopia. She has contributed to numerous multi-disciplinary projects, such as research serving as a graduate researcher for a Pursuit grant from the Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center regarding water scarcity and conflict in Africa, and research at the National Aeronautics Space Administration related to the impact of floods on infrastructure in Central America. As a graduate student in Florida, Carly also designed and taught multiple undergraduate courses focused on sustainability and Earth system science.