Research & Evaluation
Miranda Lv
GIS Research Analyst
Miranda previously served as a GIS Research Analyst at AidData from 2014-2021.

Miranda previously served as a GIS Research Analyst in AidData's Research and Evaluation Unit from 2014-2021. At AidData, she supported geospatial impact evaluations through designing and developing parallel computing methods and tools to process satellite imagery, open source data, and other types of geospatial data using William & Mary’s High-Performance Computing cluster. She has extensive experience in spatial analysis, management of geospatial databases, open source applications, and software development. Miranda worked to develop a geocoding methodology for Afrobarometer; an open-source methodology for tracking natural resource concessions in Liberia; and AidData's geoMatch, an R package for quasi-observational studies in which paired treatment and control units are compared to establish the causal impact of an intervention. Her work has been published in Computers and Geosciences. She is a PhD candidate in Computational Geography at William & Mary.
M.S., Geographic Information Science, Clark University
M.S., Environmental Science and Policy, Clark University
Prior to joining AidData, Miranda worked as a programmer for TerrSet (formerly IDRISI), an integrated geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing software system. Miranda holds an M.S. in Geographic Information Science and an M.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from Clark University.