Policy Report

Danish Development Cooperation from a Partner Perspective

Date Published

Sep 1, 2016


Bradley Parks, Samantha Custer, Takaaki Masaki, Tanya Sethi, Rebecca Latourell



Parks, B. C., Custer, S., Masaki, T., Sethi, T., & Latourell, R. (2016). Danish Development Cooperation from a Partner Country Perspective. Williamsburg, VA: AidData at William & Mary.


To assess Denmark’s performance from a partner country perspective, the study uses contributions from public, private, and civil society sector leaders in 40 low- and middle-income countries that participated in the 2014 Reform Efforts Survey. Participants provided first-hand insights into their experiences working with a variety of development partners and feedback on three aspects of performance: influence in setting the policy priorities, usefulness of advice in informing policy decisions, and helpfulness in reform implementation (i.e., translating ideas into action). The study finds that long-term partnerships and focussed investments amplify Denmark’s influence and improve favourability in the eyes of key counterparts. Furthermore, Denmark’s current practice of frequently communicating with in-country stakeholders was identified as particularly fruitful.

Funding: This study was commissioned by Danida, the Danish International Development Agency.

Featured Authors

Bradley C. Parks

Bradley C. Parks

Executive Director

Samantha Custer
Policy Analysis

Samantha Custer

Director of Policy Analysis

Takaaki Masaki

Takaaki Masaki

Senior Research Analyst

Tanya Sethi
Policy Analysis

Tanya Sethi

Senior Policy Analyst

Rebecca Latourell

Rebecca Latourell

Senior Program Manager

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